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Package Coalition Statement on Postmaster DeJoy Stepping Down from USPS

Washington, D.C. - Following Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s resignation announcement, the Package Coalition issued a statement from Chairman John McHugh:

“We want to thank Postmaster General Louis DeJoy for his service and his efforts to improve the U.S. Postal Service, including his role in helping to pass the Postal Service Reform Act of 2022. 

“However, the USPS Board of Governors and the next Postmaster General should use this transition to take stock of the Delivering for America Plan and objectively assess what has worked and what has not worked, to make any necessary course corrections. This review is necessary in light of mounting evidence that the current plan is not working. The Postal Service should abandon plans to insource work that can more efficiently be done through public private partnerships. Providing business and mailers last mile access to the postal network ensures affordable and reliable package delivery services for its customers. This approach has proven effective in reducing costs and stimulating profitable mail and package volume growth and will successfully fill its obligation to serve all Americans, especially those in rural areas."
